20 Aug

1. How many years have you worked/volunteered with TRACKS? 

 This is my second year!

2. What is your favourite part about working at TRACKS? 

I really like how the work that we do impacts the way children and Youth see science. We are opening them to different ways of thinking and knowing and I think that is something that is greatly needed.

3. What workshop is your favourite to run and why.

I really like Toppling Towers because the giant jenga is a fun way to introduce new Anishinaabemowin words to children and how the interaction between different beings and parts of the ecosystem are vital to its health and wellbeing.

4. What is a fun nature fact or joke you have, share what it is!

Hippos cannot swim or breathe underwater, and they cannot float. They walk orrun along the river bottom.

5. What is your favourite activity to do outside of work?

I really like reading a good book. If there is coffee or tea involved, better!

6. What is the most important thing you learned while working at TRACKS?

Dan Longboat taught me that knowing different knowledge systems or knowing someone that does, is like having more tools in our toolbox to face the current environmental problems. I also learned to trust myself, my ideas and abilities.

7. What is your favourite place on earth to go to (in nature)?

A park in Mexico City that is close to my childhood apartment.

8. What inspired you to work here or get into outdoor/INSTEM education?

I think that growing up in a city, I always craved the moments that I could be outside, playing and connecting with nature. I wish I would have had a program or camp that taught be about nature and science in a fun way. Working here last year, I experienced how excited campers were to learn about Indigenous Knowledge and science and I wanted to continue to be a part of it.