20 Aug

1. How many years have you worked/volunteered with TRACKS? 

I had the pleasure of doing a short placement with TRACKS through the Teach Outside the Box Program this year, and then was hired this summer to be Camp Program Instructor, so only 1 year! 

2. What is your favourite part about working at TRACKS? 

My favourite part about working with TRACKS is the work I get to do with kids; bringing happiness to campers or even students at local schools has definitely been a highlight for me, it reminds me of what I want to achieve as an educator later in life, but also gives me lots of purpose and meaning! Additionally, TRACKS  is a very supportive workplace, and the opportunities we get as the staff here to attend training, go on day trips, listen and learn from Knowledge Holders/Elders, etc., were so amazing! 

3. What workshop is your favourite to run and why.

My favourite workshop to run is our Mshikehn (Turtle) Workshop, which I helped expand this year! It focuses on talking about turtles, their physiology/biology, and the importance of this being to our ecosystems! My favourite part of this workshop is discussing the 13 Lunar Moon cycle, the story of Turtle Island and “How the Turtle Got its Shell” Indigenous story/teaching! Additionally, this workshop is accompanied by real-life turtle shells, different diagrams, and a turtle craft! Turtles are a very important being. Therefore, I have a lot of passion for educating about them, which makes them my overall favourite! River Race is also a close second, though! :)

4. What is a fun nature fact or joke you have, share what it is!

My nature fact is all about one of my favourite beings, the Porcupine. They are such fascinating creatures that have over 30,000 quills, and if they lose their quills, they will grow back! Baby porcupines are called Porqupettes, and a group of porcupines are called a prickle! They are also really good swimmers and their quills help act like a lifejacket to help them keep afloat! 

5. What is your favourite activity to do outside of work?

It is hard to narrow one down, so I would have to say I like crafting (felting, sewing, porcupine quillwork) and spending time with my family and animals outside! 

6. What is the most important thing you learned while working at TRACKS?

The most important thing I learned this summer is working can be so meaningful when you work with children! As an instructor, you are seen as a role model for these kids, someone they could look up to, and we have the ability to make a difference in their understanding of Indigenous education and sciences. Being able to show kids the importance of Indigenous knowledge is amazing; it brings me so much joy! Also, it taught me to be a part of a large team, to work together, connect, and extend our learning together, it has been so beneficial for not only my future jobs but as a person as well; I have seen lots of growth in myself this summer! 

7. What is your favourite place on earth to go to (in nature)?

My favourite place ever is my home community, Saugeen First Nation! Spending time on the land, the traditional territory of some of my favourite places like Bruce Peninsula, Tobermory, Sauble Beach, etc., is where I love to be! 

8. What inspired you to work here or get into outdoor/INSTEM education?

I am completing my teaching degree at Trent, and my passion in life is to teach (and ensure) that Indigenous education is present within education systems! I have always had a dream to be a teacher; however, narrowing down my field of interest in Indigenous education, and Environmental education, is my goal in life! Therefore, working at a place that supports my passion seemed like serendipity! I realized there is a lack of prioritizing Indigenous education within school systems, especially the notion of Indigenous science. They are always seen as separate and or compared; therefore, getting into STEM education has allowed for both of these worlds to mix! I love the term two-eyed seeing, and as a Marten clan, it is my responsibility to walk in two worlds and to give meaning/value to each side of learning/understanding! Specifically, working at this job, I was inspired by my friend who worked here and Rachel, who was my placement coordinator back in March!