
My name is Kailah Marshall. My pronouns are She/Her. I am from the Pike clan and a member of Hiawatha First Nation. I am a Trailblazer; this is my first year doing TRACKS Youth Program. I am working with TRACKS because I want to learn more about my culture. I love working with people. I think I will be a good team member because I love nature and going outside, I also love water and art. I want to learn more about the sacred medicines in my culture. I want to make sure the youth have a safe and fun summer!

What makes me qualified for this job:

1. I am understanding. If you need help, I will help figure it out with you!

2. I am creative so if we are doing arts and crafts, I am more than happy to help.

3. I am respectful, and happy to keep confidentiality with you.

4. Supportive, I will support what ever you do!

Miigwech, Kailah