Please read all details and registration policies, then scroll down for the registration form

Summer Camp 2025 Details


Session #1: July 21-25, 2025

Session #2: August 11-15, 2025




TRACKS Tipi at Camp Kawartha Environment Centre

*We also utilize the nature areas/trails surrounding the tipi, and some indoor/outdoor spaces on Trent University's East Bank


6-12 year olds

*Our camps are open to Indigenous and non-Indigenous Youth


Sliding scale between $100 ($20/day) and $500 ($100/day).


We strive to find a balance between remaining accessible to families, while also ensuring that we are pricing our camp programs in a way that is sustainable and does not necessitate our reliance on external funders. We also want to maintain our sliding scale model, where families have the option to identify the price they can afford to pay for camp. To strike a balance amongst all of these goals, we believe it is important to be as transparent as possible in regard to the bare minimum costs of running our camp. The below table represents only direct costs to running our camp (i.e., it does not include administration, training, facility rentals, etc.).

Costs to run 5-day camp for 20 campers

Cost to TRACKSCost per Camper
Staff Hours$4,350$240
Sum of all costs/20 campers
Snacks, craft materials, etc.$200
Guests/Special Activities$300

Our hope is that by providing a sliding scale where the median price covers TRACKS' baseline costs per camper we will be able to strike the right balance between accessibility and sustainability within our camp programs. 

We hope this will also allow families to find their own balance between supporting our program and maintaining a sustainable family budget. Miigwech for your participation in this process. If you have any questions about the pricing of our camps, please reach out to

Registration for TRACKS Summer Camps 2025 will open on February 28th at 10:00am.

Registration Policies


By submitting the Camper Information Form, you are adding your camper to a registration queue. Once you submit this form, please check your email (including your Spam folder) for an auto-response. If you do not receive this auto-response, please reach out to us as there may have been a typo in your form and we will not be able to reach you to confirm your registration.

You are not considered registered for TRACKS Camp until you receive another confirmation email from us. We will send this confirmation email as soon as we can (usually within 24 hours).

Availability of Subsidy:

Our camps are priced on a sliding scale between $100 ($20/day) and $500 ($100/day) to ensure financial accessibility. We hope that this will be accessible for most but please indicate in the form if this baseline price is limiting and we will be able to provide a full subsidy (we would follow-up with you via email as this requires a separate Subsidy Application Form).


Campers are registered on a first-come, first-served basis. In order to ensure that as many youth as possible can experience TRACKS camp, we ask that campers only sign up for 1 of our 2 summer sessions. Our capacity is always fluctuating, but typically we are able to host 20-25 campers per camp. We want everyone to be able to experience a TRACKS camp and we do our best to accommodate everyone! TRACKS is dedicated to creating spaces for Indigenous youth, so we will prioritize spaces for Indigenous campers.

  • If you have been registered for the waitlist: You will receive an email confirming this, and if a spot opens up for your camper we will reach out to you. We may continue to fill waitlist spots until the week before camp. 
  • If your plans for the summer change at any point in the coming months: Please let us know as soon as possible so that we can reach out to our waitlist. If we do not receive your registration forms and payment within one week of camp (or we do not receive communication about when we will receive these) then your camper's spot will be given up to someone on the waitlist.

Please email with any questions, concerns or special requests.

Please ensure to read the registration policies and details about our camp sessions above!

Parent/Guardian Information


Camper Information
