TRACKS runs a wide variety of educational programs throughout the calendar year for Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth ages 6-12. Outreach activities, in-school workshops and PA-day camps make up our school-year programming schedule. TRACKS also develops curriculum to share with other organizations, offering take-home resources and training opportunities for teachers and educators. Throughout the summer, TRACKS continues with activities and workshops, while also providing week-long summer day camps. All of our programming is fun, hands-on, experiential, and braids multiple worldviews and scientific principles.

Through our programming, TRACKS aims to:

  • Create an awareness that Indigenous ecological knowledge is essential to comprehensive scientific approaches to environmental issues
  • Provide youth with culturally rich, science-based outdoor education
  • Help students understand the interconnectedness of all living things
  • Introduce youth to diverse knowledge systems and fields of study
  • Connect youth with strong, motivated and dynamic mentors
  • Encourage youth to think about math and science skills as valuable skills in achieving their future goals

Check out this video to learn more about our Education program! Please email to learn more about these offerings.