20 Aug

1. How many years have you worked/volunteered with TRACKS? 

It is my first summer ever working with TRACKS and it was a blast!

2. What is your favourite part about working at TRACKS? 

My favourite part about working at TRACKS is getting to learn so much through being an instructor, whether new knowledges from the youth we engage with or other team members. No matter what, I learn new things everyday!

3. What workshop is your favourite to run and why.

My favourite workshop would be River Race, that one just comes so naturally to me and I love the energy it has and also the enthusiasm we get from youth when we run it! It also has good aspects of Indigenous Knowledge but also ways we can preserve and help the waterways. I am big on climate so I think seeing youth gaining more and new ways of sustaining our earth is really awesome!

4. What is a fun nature fact or joke you have, share what it is!

My favourite joke to get the kids more engaged when they are getting antsy is:

“What did the ground say to the earthquake?”

“You crack me up!”

5. What is your favourite activity to do outside of work?

I love going for walks in nature, it is so peaceful and gives me clarity on life. It is a great place to think and wonder, but also to appreciate all living beings around us and what they have to offer.

6. What is the most important thing you learned while working at TRACKS?

The most important thing I learned while working at TRACKS is to know you are never alone and that if you need support all you have to do is ask for it. Something more TRACKS related that I learned, is how exactly science and Indigenous Knowledge can work together to create a more powerful outlook, rather than utilizing them separately. It is crucial to look at them as working together and as one as they both have much to gift us.

7. What is your favourite place on earth to go to (in nature)?

My favourite place on earth (or in Nogojiwanong) would be Jackson Park because of all the wildlife I have seen there and getting to sit, think, and try to understand other beings is really special to me.

8. What inspired you to work here or get into outdoor/INSTEM education?

TRACKS mandate was a big inspiration to work with them and get into outdoor/ INSTEM education because I think it is really important to learn and to grow with all beings of life on this earth. Another big inspiration for me was definitely a person who I look up to immensely and how passionate she is about her work and getting to work with diverse groups, other organizations, and various topics such as gender equality and climate justice. It made me want to work with organizations who also are passionate about this type of work and educating youth to become more aware so they too can make a difference!