Oshkwazin Trailblazer Summer 2024 Land Camps

TRACKS Oshkwazin will be hosting our Trailblazer Land Camps once again this summer!

Trailblazer Land Camps provide an opportunity for Indigenous youth to experience activities related to traditional Indigenous knowledge, create community, and learn from Elders and Knowledge Holders. All Land Camps are based around a Traditional Knowledge topic with teachings shared by an invited guest, as well as a craft or hands-on activity. Each year, topics of the Land Camps are chosen by our Summer Trailblazers. Over the years, topics have included: Berry teachings, Water and fish teachings, Medicine wheel teachings, Shaker making, Basket weaving and more!

More information on the location and themes for each land camp will be announced throughout the summer. Stay tuned to this page where we will announce the topics of each land camp!

All land camps are open to Indigenous youth ages 13-18 and will be running from 10:00am-3:00pm on Thursdays. Lunch will be provided for participants along with a $25 honorarium. Participants who attend all 4 land camps will also receive a gift!

When: 10:00am-3:00pm
  • August 15, 2024 (Theme: Manoomin Teachings)
Who: Open to Indigenous Youth ages 13 - 18 (limited spots)

Where: TRACKS Tipi at Camp Kawartha Environment Centre (2505 Pioneer Rd, Peterborough, ON K9J 6Y1)


Waitlist: Participants are registered on a first-come, first-served basis however there are limited spots available for our Land Camps. 
  • If you are registering for the waitlist: You will receive an email if a spot opens up for you. We may continue to fill waitlist spots until the week of camp.


Please note this event is dedicated for Indigenous youth. Your registration will not be confirmed if you do not identify as Indigenous. 


Food will be provided to participants during in-person activities. If you have a food allergy, sensitivity, or restriction, please let us know, so we can accommodate accordingly. Miigwech!